you should be excited that thesharester has now surpassed the century mark in number of posts. welcome to post #102. this morning i awoke at 5am. and couldn't fall back to sleep. one of the things i did to occupy my time was sift through my painfully overloaded email inbox. this annoying task brought back many fond memories of past times, and i share with you some quotes, since i know you probably, like me, are missing the quotes.
courtesy of team awesome's awesomeness...Ok, info lunch is a go for me. Not a go-no-go, which I know can be confusing since we learned all about those, but rather just a go. --lisa
The baker at 12?? I’m feeling the cookies. Holla back --lisa
I didn't realize there was quite that much work (i.e. we had to write a proposal?? For real, I must not listen to a word that man says) and now I feel pretty bad. Anyway, I'll try to even it out next time. Please don't hate me. --lisa
Willy needs everyone’s screenshots ASAP (aka not 11pm tomorrow night) so he can review all of them and make them look not look like 4 different people made them!
Hello friends-
I propose INFO lunch soon.
Thank you. That is all.
I second the proposed motion. --lisa
Ok, new plan. No kickboxing. working out is for losers --lisa
thus, i will be at wcl sometime between 4 and 5 to work on stuff. based on
this somewhat large time frame,whoever gets there first can start working or check their email repeatedly,whichever option seems more appealing. --lisa
I hope each of you is getting straight up krunk about presenting at the CMIS board meeting. I know I am. --will
re: dgEmployees.datasource=yourmom
I am about to work on the users manual for a little while, but I should be at the lab after our game, eating, and quite possibly showering.
Directions to my house:
[street address]
Google map it.
TO:Team Awesome
FROM: Lisa
RE: A Team Awesome Haiku
I heart the baseball
Cracker jacks, hot dogs, Astros, WHOOP!
Methinks Wednesday
Oh, P.S., If anyone is up for washing a car, hit me up, cause I am def. in need of that.
courtesy of family, friends, and me writing emails while bored in class...well, bball is going well, (haha, i used the same word twice in a sentence) --freda
I should have asked you sooner, but I waited because I wasn't sure what you would think about this. I was wondering if you would be willing to write a letter of recommendation for me --matt
do you think you could please coordinate your blogging schedule to where i have something new to read in class on tues and thurs about 11:30ish or so? --me
right now i'm apparently learning about quadrature amplitude modulation. hmm. --me
This is a quote from Deutsch today that I thought you might like:
“If I ingest 10 grams of cyanide, I’m gonna take a dirt nap!”-Deutsch
i think it would be a fun place to go in the winter. it seems like in some parts it would be a very cozy place. some places. cuz you know, living under a bridge doesn't sound very comforting or cozy rite now. --freda
notice i now have 50 invitations for Gmail...pssh like i even know that many people
ummm can i just say PROPS to you for sleeping until noon. everyone should do this occasionally. i wish i could sleep till noon.......ah yes, thats right, i DO, fairly often i must admit --me
ok i'm sorta laughing at this girl in front of me who is writing this letter, saying she missed the q-drop deadline because she had a severe migraine. she's pulled up on google an article on symptoms of a migraine, and is listing them and saying she has a history of those symptoms. i wonder if its true, and if so why she has to look up the symptoms. more importantly, i wonder if it will work for her? --me
Happy graduation to you - see below
You might not care too much about the reserved seats since you don't get to sit in them, but the parking passes at least should make things more convenient.
what up? are you bored yet? we're...well, read my blog and you'll know. why write it twice? --cynthia