Thursday, August 04, 2005

the worst occupation ever

so last week while i was helping to roof a house, i was convinced that being a roofer must indeed be the worst job ever. it was hot. and we were in washington. transport to texas and i cant even fathom how miserable roofing must be. it was boring. teenagers can apparently learn to do its basics in one week. i became known as the best author on our crew...because of my proficiency at creating books of shingles. on saturday i didn't even know there WERE books of shingles. after my experience i came away with many things, the top 2 being that roofing is hot and manual labor and i dont get along so i'm glad i went to college.

however today i was reminded that there are MANY jobs worse than being a roofer. today i had to go to downtown Portland for some pre-employment drug testing. i quickly decided that the people that work in this clinic must have the most undesirable jobs ever. to Barb's credit, she did seem rather cheerful. i think SHE must be on drugs to be able to maintain a positive attitude in such an atmosphere.

however even as i'm typing this i can think of even more undesirable jobs. i wont ever forget one my most favorite teachers ever in the 6th grade admonishing the boys to study hard or they'd end up being garbage collectors, intended as the worst put down she could muster. but to them, one of whom is now an outstanding musician and the other a linguist in france, and another who plays football for a division 1 school, all they could think of is that garbage collectors at least got to drive big trucks.


Daniel Torres said...

YES! Finally someone exposes the harsh reality that is manual labor. Having had to endure grueling summers with my father since 6th grade, I can vouch for the fact that it definitely does get very hot and miserable in Texas. However, I have to say that roofing is undoubtedly worse than just building the frame of a’s actually hotter due to the heat-absorbing shingles and the fear factor of being 13+ feet off the ground. I too am glad that I am in college and will not be spending all my days outside; kudos to all those that do.

Haha, sorry, I’ll get off my soap-box now and say hope you are having a great time in Oregon and that you will drop by and visit us in CS before you start work.


Evelyn said...

how incredible!!! All these weeks without any posts and then bam, I take a 4 day vacation to San Antonio and you post twice!!! wow. Thanks :)

I too do not get along with manual labor. Tomorrow is the last day of my summer manual labor job of inventorying stores and I am most content to get back to studying. (though we all know that there shall be no REAL studying going on in Italy - hehe. j/k there might be some)

I do think gargabe collecting would be worse. It would stink the entire time. Today I inventoried a place that smelled like pestocides. It was horrendous.

k, sorry, this has practically become an Evelyn blog. I will ttyl. Enjoy the last few weeks!