well i finally picked out a new car. thanks for all your input. yesterday i bought this car, its a 2001 chevy impala with just under 12k miles. its got a nice v6, 3.8L under the hood and a great interior. i hope to see you soon so we can cruise around together.

Pretty nice car, especially when you consider the date on the photos. Very impresed with your selection. My word is bylegye, I believe it is from the old english and means that I have you by the leg.
Excellent - look great and I can't wait to see you it in person. I think it is a great choice - wise even. And, now you and I will always have this special connection.
--"hxider" out,
aaw how exciting. I'm glad you're enjoying your new car because I am currently enjoying your old one! (that's a really good picture of you in the trunk!!! I want a copy of it!) What was that like almost 3 years ago?! wbvzog
i likey. reminds me of when you took me for a spin in your former wheels. time flies. just make sure your car doesn't...right rj?
Sharon will be driving to USAA in style. You can definitely get krunk in the Impala. How have you been since January 20, 2003?
Gig 'em.
Che Bello! Molto bene :)
(How beautiful, good job!)
What shall you name this one? The USAAer? j/k
See ya soon!
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