Tuesday, November 29, 2005

a visit to the nurse

so growing up in midland where there are effectively no (as in zero) trees, i was convinced that i was not allergic to anything. besides peanuts. i had a rude wake up call when i moved to college station. i am having a ruder wake up call here in the s.a. metropolis. the deal here though is that claritin pretty much rules, except it didnt do anything for my eyes. my itchy red swollen eyes that i wanted to just rub and rub and then just wanted them to go away. so for 2 weeks i kept thinking, this shall pass. finally i had to cave in and go see one of the nurses at work in hopes that i could get some stronger medicine that would take care of my allergies.

sharon goes to the clinic.
sharon waits for 25 minutes.
eyes are itching and red. i think my coworkers probably believe i'm on crack.
nurse comes out and asks who was next, woman cuts in front of sharon and 3 others.
sharon waits more.
sharon finally gets to see nurse.
sharon explains itchy eyes.
nurse stares into sharon's eyes.
sharon is uncomfortable.
nurse wonders could it be pink eye.
sharon reiterates that, while possibly pink eye, most likely ALLERGIES. PLEASE GIVE MEDICATION.
nurse suggests to wash my hands often( i later read that this is one of the job functions of the nurses at work, to encourage healthy habits)
sharon stresses that she does wash hands, please give me medicine
nurse cannot prescribe medicine, please come back tomorrow and see the doctor, after all, 'if you've been putting up with this for 2weeks, 24 more hours wont hurt you'
sharon's eyes itch and remain red like someone on crack.

so i went back to the doctor today. she talked with me for about 5 minutes. was like hmm sounds like allergies. let me give you some medication. this is more like it. 15minutes later, thanks to our onsite pharmacy, i was connected with eye drops and allegra. surely the next few days should go better.


Anonymous said...

If you find out you had a piece of metal in your eye that created a divot or left a rust spot, I highly reccommend Vigamox to treat the inevitable infection and Muro 128 at night which allows the eye to heal itself more easily by providing an artificial lubricant. Fascinating process that whole eye healing itself thing. If I had a blog, I'd definitely share more. I think the technical term for it is "qzgcxaid".

Anonymous said...

Wait, you have a "health clinic" "on campus"...this is amazing. And a pharmacy? Amazing. No, amazing does not have the right connotation...I mean "wjjndvfl"

Will said...

Have you seen that Friends episode where Phoebe goes "Roooosssss can"

M&B said...

I'd feel sorry for you, but I'm still too busy laughing about the fish tank homicides, and picturing you yelling at the fish.