Saturday, October 22, 2005

just another day at the office

dying to know what it is that goes on during my days at work? so am i!! this is a snall sample of what a typical day sounds like:

hey will you log on to IMS and ISPF and do the RL14392s and the CL19854. and if you dont mind taking care of the R6500 report today too.

o thats easy, we just roll up the c1492 and c3045 and c1032 components to get that.

yeah you'll have to ask the SME and then bounce it.

call up the DSA and see if you can get VPN to SCP.

its pretty ok i guess, but i wish i'd taken greek in school. cuz it sounds like they are speaking it at work.

1 comment:

Evelyn said...

Holy cow!!! It is Greek indeed. So glad I am not an info major :)