so here's a pic of my first christmas tree. its obviously artificial, i picked it up at target, along with a few ornaments & candy canes & lights. its very relaxing to just sit and watch the lights. ross came over and helped me put it up, on the 1st of december. we drank egg nog and i made him watch its a wonderful life, because its one of my fave movies in the whole world that i watch every year around christmas, and he'd never seen it before. so it was pretty fun, and i'm really glad i went ahead and put the thing up. now, if you come to visit me in, say, march, and its still up, please help me take it down.
It's a Wonderful Life is a big favorite of mine as well. MawMaw and I used to watch it on PBS (always during their funding drives - AUGH!) every Christmas. Good times!
Now, a major favorite of mine is A Christmas Story. So, it is set in the 1940s, but I'm telling you, there is so much to which I can relate and it is hilarious...
shoot...I forgot...I'm such a "nypna"!
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