Wednesday, September 28, 2005

blog killer

i've been reading up on some blogging legalities, and it seems that once again in our society the misdeeds of a few have brought punishment for everyone. blogging about the workplace is generally considered taboo and is becoming increasingly illegal to mention much of what goes on behind those walls, or in my case, the compound. a pretty cool compound, but still. add to that a layer of intense information security native to my particular workplace, and the many funny comments and happenings, and also the strange little interesting things that go on are not bloggable. which really threatens to kill, or at least hamper, my quote based theme and also much of the events that would give me material to blog about. but i'm trying to get the hang of relating my life to you without being shady in the blogger world.

p.s. did i mention, as a follow up to an earlier blog, that i bought with birthday moolah from my parentsies Adobie Premiere Elements & Photoshop Elements???? heck yes i did!! much greatness. so little time to enjoy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is pretty depressing news. Seriously, I'm depressed. Is there some way you could have a super-secret blog...that isn't known to anyone (except a select few - me included)??? Could you at least write it all up in a document and bring it with you when we will see you? We could burn it right after!

MJ of the LJ's

Once again, "word verification" is not a word. I really wish they'd stop calling it that - it isn't accurate.