Sunday, March 21, 2004

well i'm back safely in college station. it was good to be in midland. it is good to be in college station too i guess. i drove back on friday so i could be here to eat dinner w/ my grandmother, who was in town. it was good. and yesterday bree and i got donuts for breakfast. at 11. maybe it was lunch i guess. i watched a lot of ncaa tourney and movies and read a book and we cleaned the apartment and then weslee and her roomy spent the nite here, while they were doing prison ministry.

i suppose a lot of people will be driving back this afternoon. i should do all my homework, but probably i will sleep. since i'm not sleeping now. it wasnt working for me, so i got up to see weslee and co. off. and so here we are, waiting for church. which is odd, because church is usually waiting for me.

tomorrow school starts back up bright and early. hopefully mrs. p will have some nice quotes, since quotes have been lacking lately. my grandmother had some good quotes, but alas, i had no pencil.

I'll give ya a few quotes from the pastor at FBC Bryan, Tim Owens.

"Do I want to waste my life in order to be popular?"

"If I care more about what someone else thinks than what God thinks, then that someone has become an idol to me."

"You will never rise above the level of your closest friends."

"Focus on becoming the right person to marry."

"You attract what you are."

As you can tell, these come from a hardcore sermon on relationships, back in February. I think for me, one thing i'm working on, is communication. they say thats the make or break factor. for me its more about the vulnerability aspect of it. i was reminded just how much i stink at it right before i left midland when i believe i hurt an eight yr old's feelings b/c i reacted out of hurt feelings. i wont pretend thats the only time i screwed up while i was home either. i had a lot to think about on the way back to here. and a long time to think about it. but my conclusions on all that i thought, i'll keep to myself. :)

but i do know this: "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness."
-Lamentations 3:22-23

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