Tuesday, March 09, 2004

So on Sunday night, I stayed up till 3am writing a program for mrs. p's class....i am not blaming her, it was my fault...i put it off till the last minute. BUT when I go to a monday morning class at 9am, working on about 5hrs of sleep, to a class that is notoriously hilarious, I was expecting at least ONE funny comment from mrs. p. but there was none. i was disappointed.

today in mktg we had guest speakers. they were all these guys in a&m's mba program. all they did funny was make jokes about beer. i missed conant. but on thurs we have a test in there, meaning, wow i should really get on studying for it, but secondly that conant will take a break. well, i will take a break too, spring break that is. then when i come back duwald will try his hand at making funny quotes.

all that to say, i'm rather embarassed but i dont really have any quotes to post. rest assured there will be plenty more after spring break, maybe even some from spring break.

i did go to chapel sunday nite and heard asfhin zirifat speak. it was very powerful. he said a few things i think are worth posting:

"Dont memorize Scripture if you dont want God to speak to you."

"You cant separate your being saved from your being sent." (to tell others about the Lord)

"The early church had to be told NOT to speak about Jesus."

and my favorite....

"That's radical followship." (yeah it is)

ok thats all. hopefully phinney will return in style tomorrow morning. for now, i gotta write SQL queries. fun times.

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