Monday, March 01, 2004

i have created this to share with you, my friends, my newfound and highly entertaining hobby of writing down quotes from my classes here at texas a&m. because my aim profile just doesnt have enough room. let me introduce you to my fine aggie profs:

These mornings we have our main major classes.
First is INFO 322 (JAVA programming)with mrs. p, a personal fave. she's a little crazy and says TONS of wacky stuff, but i must say she knows her java!
Next we have INFO 328 (Database mgmt) with mrs. barry. a crazy funny class, but usually not a good source of quotes. lets just say you just need to be there to understand.

These days we start off with MGMT 363 with Dr. Welch. an awesome Christian prof and funny man, sometimes a good source for quotes.
I then have MKTG 321, which, interestingly enough, is co-taught by Duwald and Conant. Both are stellar profs and know their stuff. Right now it is Conant's section of teaching and he has a wealth of good quotes. Duwald will return after spring break.
Then I have MUSC324 (music of world cultures), arguably the easiest visual and performing arts credit out there, but not a source of good quotes. props to j fenn though, for being a cool prof.

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