well hello. it seems i've taken a hiatus from blogging. sincere apologies.
i've eclipsed my one year anniversary of working at USAA as of Sept 12th. i can remember as an elementary school and high school student and even to some extent a college student wishing that i could be older. not necessarily old, but just that my peer group would be more mature, less self absorbed. i had some sort of notion that adults stopped comparing themself to their friends and that adults didn't talk about each other behind their back and that adults knew who they wanted to be and what they wanted to do. oops.
additionally, i've decided that the greatest stifling of creativity seems to come from people who are 'experts' in any given field. i think this comes from the fact that 'experts' necessarily have spent a lot of time doing whatever it is that they do. meanwhile they have become jaded, bored, and content with the status quo. 'this is the way we've always done it.' oddly, this occurs while at the same time 'experts' are dictating that things must change, meanwhile holding onto certain 'sacred cows' that must remain the same, when in fact these are the very same things that need to change. corporations, churches, families--i think they all experience this.
i would venture to say this was the most difficult year of my life, except for perhaps my freshman year of high school. but i think 2006 wins out. also though 2006 has held some of the best memories of my life. so ya gotta take the tough times with the good i suppose. at any rate i learned alot about computers, God, people, business, myself, my faith, and a certain young man. i also learned how to park my car on a campus that holds 2x as many people as live in my parent's town and find it again, with minimal diversions.
in other news: a visit to College Station for one rainy football game and some good family times, a trip to Missouri for Labor Day to visit ross's family, an unvictorious volleyball team, a fun flag football team, an undefeated tennis league record, a new project at work, a new fall tv season, a great football season, a new condo to move in to, a night out on the riverwalk and at the san antonio symphony, an a&m game here in san antonio, trying to cook new things, a night out at the movies, 1 happy betta fish, 2 happy water frogs, and 1 happy sharon.