Saturday, April 23, 2005

well, its over. sorta. my senior info project is completed and submitted. the presentation looms next week, along with 2 papers of substantial length that will consume this weekend and the beginning of next week. on wednesday morning i met team awesome up at the info lab at about 10:30am. about 24 hours later, i came home. team awesome had some serious crunch time coding and documenting but the end result = high quality. team awesome has been....awesome.

i spent some serious time sleeping on thursday and today. after i sleep tonite, i think i may start to feel a little better and a lot less like i might fall over and die at any moment from being tired and sick. and hopefully i can get sorta caught up on my life that does not consist of spending lengthy amounts of time in a computer lab.

today of course i spent with little L and as we usually do, we had a little CMT going on in the background as we played with toys that laugh at you. i'm not sure why they make toys for kids that laugh at them. anyway, there was this one song by i forget who and it was called "dont ask me how i know" and thus i've compiled my own list.

"dont ask me how i know"

1. you dont ever want to have a 'hello kitty' backpack
2. putting masking tape on hotel room doors does not ensure students have not left their hotel rooms
3. GAP perfume doe NOT taste good. in fact, it will make you gag. it is hard to get the taste out of your mouth.
4. skittles can be used as an assault weapon
5. metal pots should not be microwaved
6. rubber things should not be put in the dryer
7. the plastic part of the shower curtain goes inside the bath tub
8. sometimes you should check the oil level in your car
9. you should never set your slip n slide up to where it goes across a sidewalk
10. there's always somebody watching

"spin" --by lifehouse

i'd rather chase your shadow all my life
than be afraid of my own
i'd rather be with you
i'd rather not know
where i'll be than be alone and convinced that i know

everything i know has let me down
so i will just let go
let you turn me inside out
cause i know i'm not sure
about anything but you wouldnt have it any other way

and the world keeps spinning round
my worlds upside down and i wouldnt change a thing
i've got nothing else to lose
i lost it all when i found you
and i wouldnt change a thing

1 comment:

Evelyn said...

I know the title here is "Don't ask me how I know" but I sure am curious....

So, can we start with number 2? masking tape? Where? Why? then how about #10 - who was watching and when? and #4 - skittles fight? Who won? Who got hurt? how? Why'd you try the perfume? It smells so good, you'd think it would taste reasonably well.

Poor person that slipped on the sidewalk!! and yeah, I agree about the hello kitty backpack. It could result in a serious punch for some poor guy. lol j/k

Somebody IS always watching......