Thursday, April 22, 2004

there has been a lack of quotes the past few days of class. conant was apparently funny today but i was in abstentia. or whatever. i wasnt there. on the way back to campus from having our upstream group in the mcdonalds parking lot (yeah, thats rite. triple chunk power) sara did say: "I find that people i'm always sarcastic with, when I try to be nice to them actually, its a little awkward." thats a paraphrase cuz i was driving not writing, but i find it to be a true, but slightly profound quote. i like it. and i like sara too. and all my lil 14ers. but we wont go there rite now. i shall add to my list of things i like, because i like making them. they are fun! it makes me happy to read a whole list of things i like. you should try it.

1. flipflops
2. historical fiction novels
3. Bengay
4. loooong naps
5. old jeans
6. new jeans
7. snowballs
8. pixar movies
9. Beth Moore Bible studies
10. Christmas eve candlelight services
11. my Peavey guitar
12. the Hondo guitar (ray's) that I learned to play on
13. long hot showers
14. big bubbly baths
15. cd-rw's
16. driving with the windows rolled down
17. new tennis shoes
18. lotion
19. dishwashers
20. late nite telephone chats
21. encouraging words
22. real mail
23. care packages
24. compliments
25. chapstick
26. vacations
27. sitting by the lake
28. picnics
29. acting craaazy
30. rootbeer floats
31. basketball handling drills
32. curling up in a blanket on the couch
33. africa
34. sweatpants
35. waking up in the night and realizing you still have several hours to sleep
36. being able to WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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