Saturday, October 13, 2007

peyton the puppy

ross brought me home a puppy on friday! we'd been thinking of getting a dog for quite some time now and had been scouring craigslist for a couple weeks, checking out some dogs. ross found peyton and went by to meet her after work on friday and brought her home...for free!

she is a collie mixed with something else, and almost 1yr old. we've been having a blast with her so far. our friends b&b came out today with their dog and we all went over to the hamilton greenbelt and wore those puppies out!

minnie (the cat) has been responding fairly well so far, and we hope that the 2 of them can become great friends. mostly peyton will be outside though, and we already have a dog pen and dog run in the yard, that ross is fixing up right now so she has plenty of room to play. peyton is my first dog ever to have and i'm excited! she likes me just fine, but she LOVES ross and follows him around everywhere.


Anonymous said...

that is SO exciting!


Unknown said...

OH MY GOD, that dog is SOOO hot. ROXORs!!

BFF Paris

Unknown said...

congrats on the expanded fam.

Anonymous said...

Yea!!!! I can't wait 'till I get to meet him!!!!

Jennifer Josefy said...

sooooooo jealous

Martha said...

Once you have a pet, you might as well have kids. Most people realize your kids will come with you when you go places...pets, not so much.

I'm just sayin...

Anonymous said...

Rachael its a girl!
So the dog run is Peyton Place?
She's beautiful, I finally got on line to see her.

Anonymous said...

did i do thaaaaaat?
anonymous was sent by yazoo