Wednesday, May 23, 2007

identity theft

so ross and i had made up a budget in excel for the summer and we had set up quicken accounts. yesterday afternoon i spent some time transferring our budget information into quicken so we could better track how we are doing. it was while i was going back and re-categorizing expenditures into our budget categories that i noticed 2 charges to avis car rental. because neither ross nor i have rented a car from avis, this was rather disturbing. it was even more disturbing because we had recently lost a debit card and had to call the bank to cancel it and request a replacement. after talking with ross (actually we were IM'ing...we have a hi-tech marriage ;)) we were both up in arms ready to call usaa and demand justice. i decided to check the transactions online on the banks website so i would have it handy. funny thing was i couldn't find it anywhere. the only transactions with matching dollar amounts was to ACH W/D-TRAVIS COUNTY WC ONLINE PMT...our water bill. accidentally we had accepted quicken's suggested memorized payee as avis car rental(ACH W/D-TRAVIS COUNTY WC ONLINE PMT). oops! too bad...we had our hopes set on being on the next citibank commercial.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


this really really really makes me laugh. yet i can't come up with a witty comment to post other than. HA. that's funny. you guys never cease to amaze me. cant WAIT to see you this weeekendd!!