Monday, April 02, 2007

home de pot

being married apparently requires lots of trips to the home depot(or as i affectionately refer to it: the home de pot), as i have been there more times this month than i think i have been in the rest of my entire life combined. this sunday afternoon found us in the hardware aisle finding numerous different sized bolts required to put together a weight set. it also included a trip to the pvc pipe aisle for parts for ross to install our dishwasher. the dishwasher that was supposed to be fun to go pick up in corpus christi because we were going to camp on the beach. but due to rainy weather (i refuse to call it bad weather, because i heart it) our dishwasher trip disintegrated into a boring marathon 12hr trip of a saturday. so while we were at the home depot buying things, then ross bought me something! a plant. the cashier appeared mortified while ringing it up and said 'what IS that?', it rang up as 'carnivorous.' haha, thats because we bought a venus fly trap! it is currently uninteresting looking, but as soon as it grows the characteristic 'trap' then i will post a picture of it.


Anonymous said...

im so jealous of you ive always wanted a venus fly trap!

Anonymous said...

The bolt and screw aisle at these types of stores it THE WORST - my husband can spend what seems like hours on this aisle. And, just because this screw is in this bin - it is invariably NOT the screw that is supposed to be in that bin.

Unknown said...

True - I was just stung by that little feature myself. I bought two 4.5 inch screws without looking too closely and ended up with one 4 inch screw for my trouble.

Evelyn said...

what? a carnivorous plant? how romantic! lol

i remember clearly to this day when I accidentaly broke my mom's carnivorous plant. I must have been like 7 years old. My sister and I were swinging in the hamic when it went to far and the plant fell.

Have you ever heard me scream? Like truly really scream? Well, that is the first time I remember myself screaming - as the plant ozzed unto the floor I was standing. I was afraid it was going to eat me....

haha good memories... makes a great procrastination for studying for the finals I have in 3 hrs.

Good luck with your plant! May it eat many a flys from your household :)