well it turns out living in a home is quite different than an apartment. many evenings and a lot of time on weekends are spent working around the house...its high maintenance! we are very fortunate however that ross is quite the handy man and can handle most all the tasks himself...well maybe with a little help from home de pot. our back porch hangout/gym area is about 75% complete. we've worked out several times back there and now just need to get some bamboo blinds purchased and hung. the kitchen sink is a continual thorn in our side as it seems to have issues constantly. pictures and artwork are slowly making their way onto the walls. ross busted out the riding lawn mower last week and did a little work on our 'jungle' as i like to refer to it. he showed me how to drive it but i was pro

mptly relieved of these duties. we've had 2 sets of visitors so far: jfer came into town for the Easter weekend. She and I went to the movies and of course the mall and worked on my wedding album. All of us went to church (where Chris Tomlin led worship!) and in general just had good times. Our outdoor adventure

s were postponed to her next visit due to the freezing (quite literally--sleet on Easter!) weather. Our other visitors you can see below: 5 deer that like to hang out in our yard sometimes! Our third set of visitors are due next week and we can't wait!
were you trying to be relieved of mowing duties on purpose?
you ARE smarter than a 5th grader...
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