Saturday, October 22, 2005

pick a car, any car

so here's a fun little game for you. its called help thesharester pick out a new car by voting for one i'm currently considering or suggesting a different one for me to consider.

1. VW Passat

2. Honda Accord

(no pic)

3. Pontiac G6

4. VW Jetta

5. (fill in blank)


Anonymous said...

I vote for number 4

CYNTHIA said...

I'm going to say a white Jetta. But it still has the word "sedan" in the title, so i think you must "trick" it out with a spoiler and stuff b/c that would be more sporty.

crackalackin'munki said...

so im kinda diggin on number 1. its pretty fo shizzle

Anonymous said...

I'm thinkin Passat, b/c I think I saw a commercial for those this weekend, and you can get a glove box that works kind of like a fridge and it's got the cool umbrella hideaway spot in the door...i think you could kill a weekend just playin around with all the cool stuff on it

crackalackin'munki said...

amen to that one!!

Anonymous said...

So I had the passat-accord dilemma when I was getting my last car. Obviously you know how it turned out, but I would recommend just sitting in both of them if you haven't already. The honda just feels like home compared to the awkward passat. Oh, and keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

number five definitely :P

Martha said...

hmm...I'm not sure...I mean #5 has so much potential ;-)

Just so you know, my "word" is jqggpmfs

Will said...

Some of the new Accord models link up with iPods... that's pretty tight. Plus you and Lisa would have twin Accords sort of! That'd be... awesome.

M&B said...

don't they have public buses in San Antonio? What do you need a car for?

Evelyn said...

Fridge glove box? That sounds sweet. I've always wished they would invent cars where I could store food like that. I am glad to hear someone read my mind and invented my design! :)

P.S. to M&B comment - They should know that it is always best to avoid public transportation if possible. hehe