Tuesday, September 20, 2005

my new couch

so here ya go, by popular demands, visualization of my new furniture in my new apartment. more pics later, but for now:

one can see my new furniture stuff

and also my nice table, courtesy of the hopkins....gracias

and my ghetto tv set up with my tiny tv that hopefully will all be replaced soon


CYNTHIA said...

and your nice diploma still in plastic-wrap.

thesharester said...

duh cuz some peoples need to get down here and do some decorating magic

Anonymous said...

looks sharester-ish to me!

Anonymous said...

Personally, I think the tv tray is awesome...BJ

thesharester said...

ah this is true, the tv tray IS awesome. but i think thats probably not what they mean by the 'tv' in tv tray

Martha said...

Wow, it is like you are a grown-up or something.