Tuesday, March 29, 2005

top 10 quotes from Easter weekend with the fam:

mawmaw: "poor kids, they have 2 uncle richards."
richard: "poor?? FORTUNATE children."
mom: "i always say darn those socks."
mawmaw: "that's well water."
richard: "dont you mean good water?"
martha: "do you want to be passed it?"
martha: "the amount of sleep luke gets tonite could affect how quickly he cures cancer."
mawmaw: "hey hows your achilles tendon?"
dad: "oh, i have cut it off with a knife."
mom: "STOP. dont use anymore big words after that or he will just keep reading from the dictionary all night."
martha: "if you die, we will probably eat out. we will have other things on our mind and probably wont feel like cooking."
jennifer: "i really liked this salmon, now i think i will try mali mali."
mawmaw: "well, lets not dirty up the trash can."

despite the weather not being so grand for lake activities, we still managed to have a good time being with each other and playing a few games, watching ncaa basketball, eating a LOT, and correcting each others grammar, because josefys will be josefys.

i enjoyed a visit back to my first church on Easter Sunday, and we got to see some old family friends which is always fun too. they have remodeled the whole church and it looks great, but i remember going a few years ago and looking at the blue steps by the childrens wing. these giant blue steps were my fave childhood memories at church, where after sunday school we would all wait for our parents and play quiet water, still water, 1, 2, 3 FREEZE. and sometimes sneak in a jump from the top step if no one was looking. i was mortified to discover that these giant blue steps were actually quite small. now they are gone altogether. where do kids play quiet water, still water, 1, 2, 3, FREEZE these days??


Martha said...

I know what you mean about things being smaller than you remember them being when you were younger. I used to think the hallway in the Midland house was REALLY long and big, but as an adult...not so much.

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised to see there is nothing mentioned about asparagus. I know that asparagus is a main staple of the Easter meal with the Josefy clan having consumed my fair share there over the years. I was reminded of my missing asparagus this year when I walked into the kitchen at church and found our cook preparing, what else? ASPARAGUS! So, in an instant, I was both sad that I missed asparagus with the Josefy clan, and happy that I will be consuming large quantities of the wonderful veggie tonight. Please pass along to K-Jo.

Anonymous said...

"aspargus lover"...i know your hidden identity! and i missed having easter with you!! thought i would tell you that we DID have asparagus the day before easter and i mentioned to my mommy how much you would love to be there right then! so we were indeed thinking of you!!!!