Monday, March 07, 2005

"there's this story about a farmer who had a thats just a great story right there isn't it?" --toney, speaking at chapel

"what happened after that? roger ruled. because roger had resources." --pastor tim owens, sharing the story of poor roger who always got bullied until he got his older brother from the highschool football team to come over and take care of it

one of my sistuh's is here for the week, spending her spring break with her uber cool sister. so i'm busy just making sure she does all the aggie stuff.

i don't trust my ears
to hear what You're saying
if only You'd write it on the wall
i'm still not sure i'd get it right
i wish someone would grab my hand
shield my eyes from all that draws me
and show me where You're calling
i definitely don't know the answer
i'm not even sure on the question
break me 'till You're all i want
and give me faith to follow
no matter what it costs
or whom.

i won't dream small
i'll reach for what i can't see
and when its time to leave here
unclasp my hands from all i hold
and if i wont let go
then take them too
because all i want is You


Anonymous said...

wat exactly is ''aggie stuff" im a little curious here. tight song, too.

Anonymous said...

too bad the coolest sister of them all couldnt make it down there...would have been much more exciting

yours truely