Monday, November 01, 2004

so i decided this semester is kind of a sad one.

top 5 things of interest from the last few days:
1. i had an interview w/ usaa on thursday. i should hear back about a 2nd round tomorrow.
2. i had my aunt&uncle over to dinner and my brother&his fiancee & a friend on saturday nite. it was fun times.
3. sat nite we lost to baylor. um. yeah.
4. we had a sunday school class cookout on fri nite that was way cool.
5. it finally feels like fall outside. yaaay.

quote of the day from classes today:

"well thats like when you spend a long time looking for your keys, and you finally find them and you're like, 'well that was stupid' but you are not mad at yourself, because you are just glad you have your keys." --mike hnatt, explaining looking for errors in a computer program

cool word: "fruitage" (see Isaiah 27:9 NIV)

1 comment:

Will said...

Gosh, I wish we weren't a bunch of apathetic INFO majors. Gig 'em!