Thursday, November 11, 2004

here's some quotes from the ol profs.

"my, that is unattractive." --mrs. della whitcomb

"can you guys think??"--reutzel

"this is a problem the united states has been having for years...we're slowly getting heavier."--vaughn bryant (yeah, and fatter.)

"frankly, we should give a darn about this."--vaughn bryant

i just got back in town from doing an interview in san antonio. i had a really good time, it was a fun trip. we had a nice dinner overlooking the riverwalk, i enjoyed my personal suite at the hotel, and had a great time visiting the company. yay for will riding w/ me on the way down there and bringing totally awesome music along with him. also yay for san marcos outlet malls...

while i'm at it...
yay for mgmt project being completed...
yay for oregonians that rock my world :)
yay for mail-in rebates
yay for traveling expenses reimbursement checks
yay for the cool front that just blew in
yay yay yay for Someone who blows me away every day

i've been paralyzed with fear
immobilized by these doubts
i can think of nothing else
and somewhere i want nothing less
but the old part of me rises up
from where i'd crucified it
old dreams and hurts
unworthy of Your calling
trippin me up, freakin me out
i'm livin for less
where's the courage from knowing
the One who can do all?
if this is what tests my faith,
then maybe my faith is too small.....


Anonymous said...

I've been waiting to hear about the interview! Glad to hear you think it went well and that you had a safe trip. I'm sure we'll see you sometime this weekend or early next week ;-)


Anonymous said...

Sharon I love you!