Thursday, August 16, 2007

say what?

i'm feeling teacherish. i got my key to my portable building classroom today. and checked out an overhead. and activated my school email account. i was slightly disheartened at the status of my room - chalkboards instead of whiteboards, long tables instead of desks - but hope that these and some other issues will be resolved as next week progresses.

i was trying to get a lot of rules and procedures documents planned out, but learned there's a lot of schoolwide policies being implemented this year about keeping an organized binder and all teams of teachers having similar rules. so i'm putting that on hold until inservice next week.

so i am now brainstorming just exactly how i'm going to decorate my classroom. my school mascot is cardinals. my team name is raptors. i have 2 small bulletin boards. one idea i've had is put up some quotes/sayings/inspirational thoughts or pictures around my classroom.

i was wondering if you, my dedicated reader, have any favorite quotes that you would love to see me put up in my classroom?


Unknown said...

I thought that all boats had to have a girl name, so where's the girly choice?

Martha said...

How about:

"When dividing fractions don't ask why, just flip the 2nd and multiply."

I don't know how inspirational it is, but it is utilitarian for your age group and subject!

Evelyn said...

hahahaha, I like the above quote.

The only one I can remember is the Abraham Lincoln quote "The only ones who fail are those that don't try" or something like that. But probably the reason I remember it is because its overused..?

OH and I do like the, "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." -Aristotle But again, perhaps it has been used too much... or maybe it was just my highschool.

and I also like "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." I think it's a Chinese proverb?

ok, i'm out...

Anonymous said...

How about "A mind is a terrible thing to waste"

conference speaker

CYNTHIA said...

you are what you eat?

Anonymous said...

"don't pass my class, never leave Del Valle"


Unknown said...

When Sharon and I worked at USAA we had the opportunity to work for a real gem of a CEO. Our favorite aspect of his speeches was that he would begin quoting someone ( Mario Andretti for example; "If you're in control, you're not going fast enough." ). Initially this person would get the obligatory "- First Last, Date" note underneath the quote. Next meeting however, that little note would be gone. By the third or fourth meeting, it would just say, "Bob Davis, Employee Meeting, 1st Quarter 2007" or some other such nonsense. Despite the fact that he plagarized his quotes, who actually quotes themselves?? Seriously...who does that.

- Ross Hytnen, "A Day from the 80's", 9-2007

Anonymous said...

"want a cookie?"

Bree said...

did you start yet? how's it going?

CYNTHIA said...

yeah...what bree said. i'm sure that a week into the school year had provided you w/ several topics worthy of "a day from the eighties"...